The storage required for a DECIMAL data type is potentially much larger than it is for a normal floating-point data type. DECIMAL数据类型需要的存储空间通常要比浮点数据类型大得多。
A more general synonym is the FLOAT type, which has an arbitrary floating-point precision that you specify when declaring the data type as FLOAT ( val). 更常用的同义词是FLOAT类型,它拥有任意的浮点精度,可以在声明数据类型时指定,例如FLOAT(val)。
The difference lies in the fact that floating-point data types used in computers can't hold every real number. 区别在于一个事实:计算机中使用的浮点数据类型无法包含每个实数。
This technique can especially help in finding problems with floating-point values, conversion ratios, and lengths associated with data types. 这项技术特别有助于发现使用浮点值、转换率,以及与数据类型相关长度的问题。
ARC/ INFO floating-point data structure and its use ARC/INFO浮点数据结构及应用
In addition, as it operates directly on floating-point data, the ES greatly improves computation efficiency. 且进化策略直接采用实型编码,因而可提高优化计算的效率。
The Design of a C++ Over-long Floating-point Data Type and Accurate Calculation of π C++超长浮点类的设计及π的精确计算
In the process of rendering, it needs a large quantity of floating-point calculation and integer calculation. The time of rendering using normal PC is unendurable and the huge data to handle makes it worse. 在渲染过程中,需要进行大量的浮点运算和整数运算,用普通PC机渲染所需时间往往让人难以忍受,而且庞大的数据处理也使得32位计算在架构上成为了一个瓶颈。